PART 1 국제 무역 International Trade
WEEK 01 제품 정보 얻기 Obtaining Information about Products
WEEK 02 가격 인하 요청하기 Requesting a Price Reduction
WEEK 03 주문과 배송 Order and Delivery
PLUS WEEK 클레임 처리하기 Dealing with Claims
■ Business Leaders
PART 2 협상 Negotiation
WEEK 04 교섭자 맞이하기 Greeting Negotiators
WEEK 05 입장 밝히기 Establishing Positions
WEEK 06 제안하기와 흥정하기 Making Proposals and Bargaining
PLUS WEEK 갈등 대처하기와 협상 끝내기 Handling Conflicts and Closing a Negotiation
■ Business Leaders
PART 3 마케팅 Marketing
WEEK 07 제품 출시하기 Launching a Product
WEEK 08 가격 전략과 목표 고객 Pricing Strategies and Target Customers
WEEK 09 유통 경로와 시장 조사 Distribution Channels and Market Research
PLUS WEEK 제품 홍보와 브레인 스토밍 Product Promotions and Brainstorming
■ Business Leaders
PART 4 재정 및 금융 Money and Finance
WEEK 10 인수 합병 Mergers and Acquisitions
WEEK 11 예산과 인플레이션 Budgets and Inflation
WEEK 12 재정 상황 협의하기 Discussing Financial Status
PLUS WEEK 투자 계획 논의하기 Discussing Investment Plans
■ Business Leaders