
도서명 Basic TOEFL iBT Listening 1 (SB+2CDS
저자 편집부
출판일 2018-09-30
정가 16,000원
ISBN 9781599661513
Basic Skills for the TOEFL iBT is a 3-level, 12-book test preparation series designed for beginning-level students of the TOEFL iBT. Each level consists of four books: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Over the course of the series, students build on their current vocabulary to include common TOEFL and academic vocabulary. Students new to the test are also introduced to level-appropriate passages, lectures, conversations, and questions found on the TOEFL iBT.

Basic Skills for the TOEFL iBT enables students to build on both their language skills and their knowledge. The topics are interesting and easily accessible to students. In addition, the themes cover the most frequent topics featured in the TOEFL iBT. Students accumulate vocabulary through repeated exposure over the course of the series. The series targets 1,300 TOEFL-related words, including all 570 words found on the Academic Word List used by TESOL.

Key Features
