
도서명 How to date the Holy Spirit : 성령님과 교제하는 방법 영문판
저자 김열방
출판사 날개미디어
출판일 2020-06-10
정가 50,000원
ISBN 9788991752795
Do you love the Holy Spirit? / 3
Preface: 21st Century is the era of the Holy Spirit / 5
Introduction / 9

Chapter 1: See the face of the Holy Spirit

The one who is with me right here, right now / 15
Moses who saw the Holy Spirit face to face / 21
Worship is to see the Holy Spirit face to face / 22
Open your eyes to see the face of the Holy Spirit / 28
The secret of seeing the face of the Holy Spirit / 31
The blessed era of believing without seeing / 36
I am going away and I am coming back to you / 37
See the face of the Holy Spirit by the blood of Jesus / 42
Restore the fellowship with the Holy Spirit / 43
My friend, Jesus, is here / 44
Why should I always rejoice? / 47
The Holy Spirit is joy of my heart! / 49
Be filled with joy before the Lord / 50
Dance with the Holy Spirit / 54

Chapter 2: Talk with the Holy Spirit

The Friendship through daily conversations / 57
The Holy Spirit who loves me like one and only son / 61
The voice of the Holy