
도서명 A Non-Practicing Christians` Story
출판사 동연(와이미디어
출판일 2020-08-06
정가 12,000원
ISBN 9788964475959
An Article of Recommendation / 5
Preface / 7

PART ONE |Non-Practicing Christians’ Story

I. Twelve Non-Practicing Christians 15

II. Religious Life when I Belonged to a Church 27
1. Various motivations for religious life 27
2. Not for my inner mind but for others 31
3. Guidance, prayer, and the Word as the foundation of faith 34
4. Filling in content through format vs. If the format contains content 38
5. Difficult to find God in relations 42
6. Was that the Word of God? 47
7. The family is united with God as the central figure 53

III. Religious Life when I Don’t Belong to a Church 57
1. Personal worship 57
2. Seeking peace through the practice of looking at myself 66
3. To me, God is this being 73
4. The reason why I don’t belong to a church 78
5. This is salvation to me 81
6. Calling to me is this 86

PART TWO |Non-Practicing Christians and God Image

I. Non-Practicing Christians and the Korean Church 95
1. Definition of Non-Practicing Christians 98
2. S