
도서명 Reading Quest STARTER - A Faithful Guide Through Your Reading Adventures
저자 Radu H. Hotinceanu
출판사 다락원(주
출판일 2019-06-12
정가 15,000원
ISBN 9788927709701
UNIT 1 (A The Union Jack
UNIT 1 (B Miss Unsinkable
UNIT 2 (A The Age of AI Music Composers
UNIT 2 (B A Return to Vinyl
UNIT 3 (A Debug Your Life
UNIT 3 (B Improve Focus Through Zanshin
UNIT 4 (A The Santa Trackers
UNIT 4 (B Limitless 3D Printing
UNIT 5 (A The Future of Hamburgers
UNIT 5 (B Ghosts: The Science of Big Business
UNIT 6 (A The Islands Surrounding Venice
UNIT 6 (B The Land at the World’s End
UNIT 7 (A A From Crybaby to CR7
UNIT 7 (B An American Visionary