제1부 항공우주력 건설의 해외 사례와 한국공군의 정책적 함의
1. Increasing Air Force’s Capabilities To Meet Future Air Power Requirements For Collective Response (Recep Unal
Ⅰ. Air & Space Power
Ⅱ. Turkish Air Force
Ⅲ. Training
2. Japan Air Self-Defense Force Overview: Development of Japanese Air Power (Masaki Oyama
Ⅰ. Security Environment
Ⅱ. Japan Air Self Defense Force Outline
Ⅲ. Future Structure of The JASDF
3. Israeli Air Power in a Changing Strategic and Technological Environmen (Gerald M. Steinberg
Ⅰ. The IAF’s Primary Missions: Deterrence, Pre-emption, Suppression, and Escalation Dominance
Ⅱ. The IAF’s Pre-emptive Long-range Air Operations
Ⅲ. Suppression of Short-Range Rocket Attacks Against Israeli Civil and Military Targets
Ⅳ. Accelerated Technological Change in Air and Space Operations
Ⅴ. Asymmetry, Deterrence, and Innovation: A Forward Look
제2부 한반도 안보환경과 항공우주력의 전략적 공헌
4. 한국공군의 원거리 전력투사능