
도서명 Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator : Roald Dahl (Paperback
저자 로알드 달 저/퀸틴 블레이크 그림
출판일 2007-08-16
정가 10,400원
ISBN 9780142410325
1. Mr. Wonka Goes Too Far
2. Space Hotel "U.S.A."
3. The Link-Up
4. The President
5. Men from Mars
6. Invitation to the White House
7. Something Nasty in the Elevators
8. The Vermicious Knids
9. Gobbled Up
10. Commuter Capsule in Trouble Attack Number One
11. The Battle of the Knids
12. Back to the Chocolate Factory
13. How Wonka-Vite Was Invented
14. Recipe for Wonka-Vite
15. Good-Bye, Georgina
16. Vita-Wonk and Minusland
17. Rescue in Minusland
18. The Oldest Person in the World
19. The Babies Grow Up
20. How to Get Someone Out of Bed