
도서명 YLCR L2-6 The Son Who Came Home(SB+MP3
저자 편집부
출판사 웅진컴퍼스(컴퍼스미디어
출판일 2012-01-15
정가 7,000원
ISBN 9781599666471
A man has two sons. The younger son wants to leave home and see the world. He has a lot of fun while his money lasts. But the son soon finds out that life away from home can be hard. With no money and no food, he finds a job working with pigs. He remembers how life at home was much better. But the younger son is not sure if he can go home. What will his father think of him?""

With Young Learners Classic Readers, Young English language learners will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency with these easy-to-read adaptations of well-known tales for children. Each reader includes the following features:


  • A short introduction about the author and/or story

  • A picture gallery of important characters before the story

  • A story including full-color illustrations and highlighted dialog for easy recognition of spoken language

  • A short playlet for classroom performance