004 Authors
008 Preface
Ten Keywords
025 Redistribution of the Average
055 Arrival of a New Office Culture: ‘Office Big Bang’
079 Born Picky, Cherry-sumers
105 Buddies with a Purpose: ‘Index Relationship’
133 Irresistible! The ‘New Demand Strategy’
163 Thorough Enjoyments: ‘Digging Momentum’
187 Jumbly Generation Alpha
217 Unveiling Proactive Technology
239 Magic of Real Spaces
265 Peter Pan and the Neverland Syndrome
책 속에서
However, a recession does not necessarily translate to a decline in overall consumption. Instead, the luxury market trends to grow and not just because income disparities are widening. This is because demand for so-called “small luxury” items, products that create new demand, remain strong even during recessions. Therefore, even amid a recession, new growth opportunities can be found if the market is viewed through a detailed breakdown by consumer segment, rather than from a broader perspective. 2023 is said to be a year of recession, but there have been significant changes over the past few years. There have been rapid technological advances, and new apps, virtual worlds, remote work, and the digital economy have all developed significantly. Moreover, a generational change is taking place with the main consumer group now moving towards Generation MZ. Thus, the key is to anticipate what kind of new trends will arise when these ongoing changes collide with the cyclical economic