
도서명 Reading Literary Text, Grade 3 (Paperback, Teacher
저자 편집부
출판사 제이와이북스
출판일 2018-10-31
정가 38,000원
ISBN 9781629381473
Help your third-grade students build strong literary analysis and comprehension skills with activities that support Common Core rigor in the areas of Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, and Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity. Additional teacher support includes: Correlations to Common Core State Standards and TEKS for every unit for easy reference, Downloadable homeschool connection activities and projects help to increase parental involvement, Guided reading levels to help identify appropriate texts for students, and A walk-through of each literary text selection and activity pages that support the unit. The 9 units explore these genres and reading selections: Aesops Fable: Country Mouse and City Mouse, Mystery: How Do You Spell Beware?, Folk Tale: The Mitten, Classic Fiction: Rebeccas School Day, Fairy Tale: Never Kick a Slipper at the Moon, Tall Tale: Davy Crockett Escapes a Tornado, Poetry and Song: The New-England Boys Song About Thanksgiving Day, Historical Fic