Let’s learn Hangul!
The Korean alphabet, known as Hangul, consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels in addition to some double consonants and double vowels, making sounds by their combination. Combinated letters of Hangul are about 11,170. Among them, 30% are mainly used. This book is edited focusing on the most frequently used-Hangul and emphasizing the followings:
• Basic learning process for consonants and vowels of Hangul
• Right usage by learning the stroke order
• Repetitive writing with enough space
• Useful supplementary materials at
• Most frequently-used Hangul characters and words in Korean daily life
Learning a language is learning the culture, broadening a perspective for its understanding. Therefore, if you study Hangul precisely, you can reach to a broad understanding of the realm of Korean culture and mindset including Hangul itself.
Thank you!
Ihanja Publisher: Kwon, Yong-sun
한글은 자음 14자, 모음 10자 그 외에 겹자음과 겹모음의 조합으로 글자가