The Apostles’ Creed
LECTURE 1 · 13
Confessing Our Faith in God the Father
LECTURE 2 · 27
Confessing Our Faith in God the Son (1
LECTURE 3 · 39
Confessing Our Faith in God the Son (2
LECTURE 4 · 51
Confessing Our Faith in God the Holy Spirit
The Lord’s Prayer
LECTURE 5 · 65
Background and Overall Structure
LECTURE 6 · 77
God’s Immanence and Transcendence
LECTURE 7 · 89
Three Petitions for God
LECTURE 8 · 103
Three Petitions for Us & Doxology
The Ten Commandments
LECTURE 9 · 117
Structure, the First Scene & Preface
LECTURE 10 · 131
Duty of Love for God (Commandments 1-4
LECTURE 11 · 157
Duty of Love for Neighbors (Commandments 5-10
LECTURE 12 · 183
Conclusion and Application With the NT
APPENDIX 1 · 203
Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Texts
APPENDIX 2 · 209
Sample Answers
This book, A Brief Exposition of the Core Christian Doctrines, has brief content on the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, each in three lectures. Each lecture is bundled into four steps: “At a Glance - An Exposition - Understanding the Content - Application in Life.” Moreover, it is the actual content that the author taught seminarians in the Philippines, so this book will be a very practical help, especially for theology students or Anyone who wants to study Christian doctrine in English.
이 책 『기독교 핵심 교리 해설』은 사도신경, 주기도문, 십계명에 대한 핵심 내용이 각각 3개의 강의로 이루어져 있습니다. 각 강의는 “한눈에 보기-내용 강해-이해하기-적용하기”의 4단계로 구성되어 있습니다. 더욱이 저자가 필리핀에서 신학생들을 가르쳤던 실제 내용이기 때문에, 특히 신학생들이나 영어로 기독교 교리를 공부하고자 하는 모든 사람에게 아주 실제적인 도움이 될 것입니다.
Who would need to read this book? I would say that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ would definitely benefit from this work. Pastors and teachers would learn a lot about how to teach other believers. Ordinary believers can teach themselves while